Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees, sometimes known as borer bees, are members of the Apidae family, and there are hundreds of species in numerous subgenera found all over the world. They dig through deadwood to create tunnels in which to lay their eggs. Carpenter bees don’t consume wood; instead, they bore into it to make nesting “galleries” where they deposit eggs in the spring and seek refuge in the winter. The galleries created by carpenter bees may appear little on the surface, but they are considerably larger and more harmful than they appear. The length of these bees varies between 12 and 25 mm. Bumblebees are similar in size and appearance. They come in a variety of colors, including black, greenish-black, metallic blue, and purplish-blue.
A carpenter bee nest opens a tunnel that travels in a straight line for a few inches before abruptly turning 90 degrees and leading to their chambers. Females prefer to return to already created tunnels every year and widen them as needed because tunnel construction takes so long. This accelerates the deterioration of the wood.
The strong, black and yellow carpenter bee is attracted to unfinished or aged wood. The bugs do not consume wood, but they do dig tunnels to utilize as nests. These are commonly seen in the eaves of houses, as well as decks, siding, fascia boards, and porches. Carpenter bee adults spend the winter in their nests and emerge in the spring. If the pests are left alone, they may continue to use and enlarge the same tunnels, as well as create new ones.
Males are naturally gentle and lack stingers, however, they will hover close to animals and people approaching nest locations. Females only sting when provoked or handled violently. Carpenter bees may totally undermine all of the wood in the region they have colonized if left unchecked. Furthermore, the presence of carpenter bees attracts woodpeckers, who tunnel deeper into the wood in search of larval stage bees to feed.
Because the galleries will most likely be vacant in the early fall, the optimum time to take preventative steps is when the young adult bees have hatched and moved on, and the older bees have not yet settled down for the winter. Carpenter bee openings should be sealed. After the bees have left the gallery, seal the openings with plugs, putty, or caulk. Carpenter bees love unpolished or aged wood. To make exposed wood surfaces around your home less appealing to bees, paint or varnish them. To keep bees out of your home, cover outside apertures with fine mesh screens or caulk for minor cracks.